
Again, how would Le Batard be suspended for this? When he said basically the same thing on Sportcenter the week before? And this time he said it right Manfred, who was given the time to answer. Le Batard is not getting suspended for this, unless the new management switches its rules suddenly.

Simmons got suspended for blatantly going after ESPN management, not really for what he said about Goodell. The Goodell part was just minor comparatively. Go listen to that whole part of the podcast where he said it. And then, because it’s a podcast, Simmons allowing it to go out like that unedited. The openly

Ya, but that’s why today is the day to do it. To say thanks now, because tomorrow might look really bad to do it, if other allegations come out. Considering all that Skipper has done for Dan, somehow allowing a counter culture show with strong Hispanic influences, in its prime ESPN radio spot, it won’t come back at Le

I have to say I disagree. Part of Le Batard’s appeal is that he’s counterculture to what sports radio and sports broadcasting have been. His clothes are perfect for that.

I usually like your comments Andrew, but you cutting short the quote and taking it out of context is a real BS move.

That makes sense. He had to be on something considering that whole Barstool Sports thing.

Putting my finest Sunday best conspiracy theorist hat on, I believe there might be a very sinister plot happening here, that many aren’t seeing. Considering reports about Richardson starting to become senile, this easily looks like power play of the other 14 owners to get Jerry’s share on the cheap. They knew about

The bar is like getting a drink while you’re underaged in Quebec. It’s so low that if you can see over it, you get a Molson’s.

Can you say the NFL’s “Donald Sterling”? It would be an easy way for the other owners to get his share of the franchise very cheaply, especially considering they own 52% of it.

Probably both.

Talk about missing the story. This guy ain’t no average Joe..... Smith. Or he wouldn’t have chance, and be married to the one and only Allie LaForce. Yes, that Allie LaForce.

I was a center iceman and goalie when I was a kid. My Dad pushed me to be a forward, but my mom would shout “Let him be a goalie. He’ll always have friends”. Crazy how right she was, as I met my wife who was in the stands while I was asked to play as an emergency goalie, and most of my friends have come from being the

“It’s like an NFL Christmas miracle.”

“Also, why does he look like a sexually aggressive garden gnome?”

Wow, this is a really sickening take on the conversation. But it is the internet, and a lot of sickening people tend to post on it.

I love chess. But I feel this post only exists to try and justify all the stupid esports articles.

If that happened on the street, Gronk might be going to jail. For that reason, it’s a two game minimum. One game would be BS.

You’ve been waiting a long time for a reason to post that video, haven’t you?

I wasn’t trying to denigrate you at all. Quite the opposite, actually. I was trying to help you realize you need to make your argument in a non-trollish way.

Don’t forget everyone on Fox News.