UGH SHE IS THE BEST. She and Samira Wiley need their own show where they just mock white people for a half an hour.
But the bubble is a lot bigger than Steubenville.
Franchesca's had some popular videos, but she needs to be more famous. She'd be great on TV.
Everyone is o npoint about the hypocrisy of her statement, but can I just say something? I don't feel like this is complaining about it. I think she's sharing that it's something she suddenly realized, that wow, now I'm a woman who isn't young and so now I'm the target of these jokes. That's not complaining; that's…
While I'm really, really happy for you that you have great self image and confidence, what is your point in bringing it up here? This all comes from my own baggage and likely you're just trying to help show reasons why you should be okay with your own size whatever it may be, but it can come off at best as…
You get that your opinion of your body and self has very little to do with what your body actually looks like right? I don't know if you're a regular reader, but you can glean even from this article alone that Laura is a healthy woman who exercises and typically has a great attitude. Her body isn't telling her shit…
The last time we checked in on the Ohio University Marching 110, they were doing a "pretty good" rendition of Psy's…
Yes, it's a grave disorder. I have it mostly under control, but I may have attacks at ice cream counters. Then I lick the glass, the counter, and even the people in line. I don't know how I get through the day sometimes.
I'm sure I would have let it go too. People like that often don't see reason. It does seem to be increasing in frequency. It's like there's some contest for who can be the nuttiest.
Yes, let's not rule out the possibility that this child has some sort of problem in which she licks absolutely everything put in front of her.
Oh yes, I know those parents very well. The ones who sue because their toddler saw another woman's breast and is "scarred for life". The ones who make their perfectly healthy children sanitize their hands thirty times a day. The ones who insist their child is not allowed to play at anyone else's house, ever, because…
I have Celiac disease and I'm so puzzled by this parent. Is her child going to be licking the equipment? Can't the kid wear gloves while working with it? Does she demand a private table in the cafeteria where no Wonder Bread has ever touched the surface? What was your response to her?
Yes! That's just the kind of person I'm talking about!
Oh, I'm not suggest that Cheeto Mom was exhibiting MPB. I was just commenting that there are parents out there who do get some kind of need fulfilled by exaggerating or fabricating their children's medical conditions. It rarely rises to the levels of MPB and certainly not to the level discussed in this article.