Matti Sillanpää

I wonder how bad the situation in US has to get before you guys start actually putting some effort on a) psycological testing as entry exams on police academy b) getting the academy level up to international standards, not just 3rd world.

I subscribed few years until they stopped offering the service for European customers.

And if someone wants to know how to say ä, it’s like a in man. If you guys want to fix shitty phonetics of English, few suggestions from scandinavia: Män, mässive, äpple and estäblishment might be good one. And the just swap few a:s and e:s in the words like leser (laser).

In 20 years, I wonder how many re-imaginations of same films we have. Surely there’s more to shoot that same characters with different actor every couple of years.

The Honda version of it didn’t do that well in finnish car magazine TM:s winter testing. Range was poor and of half way point of testing it’s second to last place out of 14 EV:s and PHEVs.

In my neck of woods people use fog lights even if it’s a bit drizzly. Official rules say that if you do not see the rear of the car front of you, you should use fog lights (here they are white light). Othervise no, they are too bright for that.

That is seriously cool, even though I do not care for the truck.

Not to mention that in cold environments the electric side might not be used for months so the costs stack up. We’ve had 4+ months of -20C or less and my friends hybrids (Toyota Rav4, V90 T8 and merc C-series, if I recall the last dude correctly) haven’t used any electric side. Pretty much all started going on ICE

I didn’t find it that confusing. They all speak “portugese” which is just english. With no accent. And Japanese speak Japanese.

Yep, I agree the Foundations problem is a bit like the season 2 of the AC. The point should be the plot, not pretty CGI. There was decent plotlines in the mess too (especially in season 2), but I think it was just too much of a mess.

I think it might have been better show with smaller budget. It’s a bit of a mess as it is. I didn’t like much the first season, I wanted old guys drinking cognac in long jackets and discussing stuff. Along the lines of the books. But second season was a bit more interesting altough too messy. The Demerzel plotline was

So Great News Everyone?

I call bullshit. As every other car there days it will be yet another blob of a crossover. Too high to actually have decent highway range and but they fool the buyers with small Cd. 

My friend did me a pretty cruel joke back in the day when the first twilight came out.

This. I think leads did good job, but at the half way point at least it’s not really very coherent series. I hope it ends with stronger note.

Kudos on you and there’s you star.

And things like lane assist are just dangerous. I mean it’s not that bad on dry tarmac, but on gravel or snow it goes full bonanza. This winter it’s driven me twice into incoming line :/. And tons of smaller annoying twitches that require me to correct it. I normally disable it, but unfortunately it’s quite few clicks

Dunno, the Herbert’s characters were pretty much just as cold if not more as Villeneuves. And without the interesting world, the books aren’t really that special. And this from the mouth of guy that has read them like 10 times during last 30 years :D.

Great news everyone!

*cough* make the bloody wagon *cough*