
I presume that when this show finally wraps, Ms Maslany will have no trouble finding other work, and if asked for a demo reel will just go "Orphan Black … duh!"

Re: the "really pimp car", another entry for me in the "Donnie is an idiot" column, I'm afraid. As for the rest, this show would have more impact on me if I could understand what most of the characters were saying more often.

I presume the A story is the one that the episode is named after, i.e. the Dean and Annie trying to "land the whale". I've never felt shame on behalf of the characters in this show to anywhere near the degree that I felt in that episode.

I know I'm late to the party (I managed to miss the entire season on TV and waited to watch the DVD because it was a birthday present), but personally I think this is a better (at least more fun) episode than "Economics of Marine Biology", whose A story just made me feel soiled.

I think that the episode that they have Regina express romantic feelings for Robin Hood (I almost said "hook up with him"…) is the episode that I stop watching this show, because the F@#$ You to Regina fans will be complete.

I just wish they were in proper chronological story format.

We did however get to see Belle's legs in dark tights and a short skirt, and that was pretty nice.

Ariel, the Aquaman of Disney princesses…

This show has already fast and loose with time. Assuming that the timelines of the Enchanted Forest and "our world" at least move in the same direction, then Baelfire (who portalled out well before Regina was born) should have appeared in "our world" long before the first appearance of the Snow White story, but he

I really hate the way Regina is as dumb as a box of rocks in this episode, with the impulse control of a 2 year old to boot.