
Given the grace and subtlety of the plot turns in Prometheus, pretty much any explanation should feel right at home. She could accidentally open an airlock to see the stars better and get sucked out into space and that would sound about right for a member of that crew.

Michael J Fox’s phone battery will never die again!

AND you can use it after you’ve killed the animal to take a selfie to post on Facebook to show what a tough guy you really are.

It’s almost as if we watched totally different episodes.

It’s ok man, you don’t HAVE to love stuff that other people love.

You’re such an adorable stereotype. Thanks for continuing to unintentionally make the rest of world laugh.

Nah, the superior option for many is both. And streaming boxes are so cheap there’s no reason not to. (And a lot of people don’t want or need the extra PC stuff.)

Shame it’s full of Islam

Watching this GIF feels... wrong....

If it’s a way to secretly call the cops, its a shitty one. After you issue the command, Siri comes back and says “Calling Emergency Services...”

and the Note 10.1's (or any tablet's) ability to use "touch" on the screen is copying Apple, but you were going to mention that later...right?

If you're having problems with Touch ID then you're doing it wrong

That's simply not true.

These are illusions of *perspective.* The amount of distance from the artwork necessary to engage this illusion is fully within our capacity to perceive its three-dimensional foundation.

Please stop helpfully misinforming people because you don't understand what you're looking at. Cognitive

You bought a product with the sole intention to review it and will return it after you're done playing with it? Does your shitty nature know no bounds?

They must have hit a bug on the way up.

My ears were bleeding 1 min in. As a self defense mechanism my brain tuned out the dying cat sounds produced by that gayfish and replaced em with the original Aladdin sound track.

Screw Kohler. I'm just going to move the pressure washer in from the garage.

"biggest loads"