
My ears were bleeding 1 min in. As a self defense mechanism my brain tuned out the dying cat sounds produced by that gayfish and replaced em with the original Aladdin sound track.

I have this great invention called a brush that also works to scrape food off plates.

This is where most people go wrong. They think there needs to be a soul for us to have a consciousness and a sense of "being me". That's just an illusion, our brain is the only thing that makes us who we are. All the other organs are there to support it, to feed it nutrients, to move it around and to provide it with

Let it go. LET IT GOOOO

What if I told you there are other countries than the US where the FAA means NOTHING. They can launch anywhere they want.

Is anyone else sad for the star that it failed to be a real star? Maybe Pixar could do a movie about it

"Consuming fewer calories than what you burn per day leads to weight loss." SHOCKING!!

Good. I'm ready!!

I knew my brain was plotting against me!!

so that's how you make awesomesauce!

seriously? This is presented as a 3D image and in 3D they are not the same color as one is shaded and one is not. Nobody would view this as a 2D image. Fail.

it's preparing itself to fly into Lady Gaga's face when she gets up there to perform.

What a stupid idea. So if one person wants to recline the seat, all 3 have to be reclined since it's basically just 1 big seat with adjustable seperators. Also I don't see how a suspended piece of fabric is going to be very comfortable to sit on. Not to mention how easily it'll be punctured and torn.

And your comments are a waste of bandwidth.

DST is one of the most ridiculous measures still in place. It's about time we get rid of this once and for all.

You quit working for NASA to make... Halloween costumes? Really?

Too bad the last 13 seasons of the Simpsons are so bad that this kind of stuff does little to change that.

Thank you, Cpt Obvious. Ofcourse the dinosaurs required massive amounts of food to grow as large as they did and obviously their joints evolved to support this great mass. Where does it claim they had these squishy joints first and THEN grew large?

My attention span for waiting for those 3 dots is approximately 10 sec, after that I'll simply put mine to sleep and go on with my life.

These are all terrible.