
We get it Chris. You don’t like baseball. At least I don’t already know who is winning the title in 2019.

Why should they go to the finals? Cause their coach was an idiot? 

Better than the “thoughts and prayers” most people sent.

Lol they gave you exactly what you asked for, and dismissed them immediately as racist, convenient.

Yeah, Harriot is an idiot.
Anyone who isn’t a naive babe in the woods already knows that.

Thanks you for that. People who talk about white Americans being responsible for everything bad in the world should look closely at their own behavior.

You left out one important piece of the puzzle - “those white foreigners are to blame!” is also a key claim made by those corrupt despots as a way to deflect attention from their own power grabs. The Duvalier clan is a perfect example of this, relying on the same kind of rhetorical flourish used in this article- the

Anthony is 34, Booker is 21

Fun article! In Booker’s defense, he was playing for a tanking team. It might be hard to find the motivation to do the tedious things on the boring end of the floor with the knowledge that there’s just no, damn, point.

What advice would you offer? 

They usually don’t let people continue shooting at them, with the risk of stray bullets hitting others as well. Actually seems rational. Should they just yell “Hey there guy, stop shooting that gun if you don't mind."?

Some people just think normal - like, this is a really bad situation and I have no control over it right now. Other people, like you, only think about what will get them retweets.

Sarcasm would mean your point was the polar opposite of what you said. That their customers are overwhelmingly not religious.

I have to ask, are you trolling or are you really just that naturally douchey? Is being a food snob just a regular part of your personality? Because while your comment is trolly, it isn’t any better than any other troll that comes around here. Your comment was pretty much garbage.

That’s a good list of unbiased sources you have there.

Newsflash, little buddy - pretty much any publicly-traded company is going to have stockholders who “support hate.”  So any purchase you make will have pieces of your pennies going to support hate, unless you just check out and live self-sufficiently.  So you can have all the e-tantrums you want, but they’re really

I’m not sure the donations alone are enough to satisfy your progressive guilt, but surely bragging about it on the internet will help, right?

Don’t be a twat.  That’s the personal beliefs of the CEO, not the actions of the company.  The company is one of the most generous and caring organizations I have ever encountered.

I think it’d just be less trouble to just go to Wendy’s.

That is a horrifying way to live.