
I want to thank you and the rest of The Root’s staff for all the hard work and all of the wonderful content that you managed to deliver over the last year. Especially with all of the haters constantly coming for you.

I greatly appreciate The Root. It makes me feel like I’m not crazy. It’s also allowed me to center my energy and intelligence around discussions that aren’t debating whether or not racism or rape or police brutality have other perspectives to consider. 2016 killed Facebook and I say good riddance.

Well, the 63 million bags of coal Santa had to deliver should put Kentucky back digging!

They'll talk about how Puma are the *real* racists for siding with someone who was shot in cold blood by a convicted criminal. 

I don’t think they’re saying that they are slaves. They’re talking about the mentality of the team owners who consider them slaves, prisoners, objects, products...things that are beneath them and don’t deserve the dignity and respect that they themselves demand.

I’m waiting to start seeing the tweets and facebook posts yelling that Puma needs to be boycotted for, you know, promoting peace. 

This is disappointing and downright irresponsible.

I wouldn’t say anyone’s been missing it.

Black citizens with rights? What the hell do you think this is? ... Uh....

Citizens with rights? What the hell do you think this is? Europe?

one only wonders if the Stand Your Ground legislation can be used by civilians against the police too...?  /s

They were afraid that the DA might have been biased toward actually finding the Truth and giving a murdered black man some Justice. We can’t have that shit.

By the logic the AG is using, if there are any pictures of him with local police smiling at any function, he should recuse himself as well correct?

Oh they lose their shit and play the victim. Crying that you’re the real racist, zealot and or biased one.

I’ve also been hearing the line around town, “Oh, so-and-so’s friend showed them pictures that EJ was more gang than military these days...”

They aren't trying to avoid controversy, they're trying to avoid having a cop prosecuted for killing a black man. And if it happens anyway they damn sure don't want it to be a black man that does it. 

How is it even legal for cops to remove/cover their badges when on duty?! They are there for a reason! I’ve seen this before and I just don’t get it. 

The usual.

This is the type of decision that gets made by wypipo, who always assume when talking about something to do with race, that Black people are biased and their asses are objective.

So by this logic whoever ends up prosecuting (or not, most likely) this case can’t have had any contact with police officers or police unions.