
Scott, not Walker. Though i could see how you can make that mistake. But there’s lots of felons in Florida, and not just black ones. A $300 theft charge makes you a felon. So rural whites are just as likely to approve it as urban blacks

Well put. Reading about Stacey Abrams more I discovered she prevented a tax increase on cable service, which Republicans promoted as a tax break, as they tend to do, it increased taxes on 82% of Georgians, and was she was credited by TIME magazine, “can credibly boast of having single-handedly stopped the largest tax

18 USC sec. 2331 (5)(B)(i)-

Ms. Stacey is brilliant. With any luck, she’s quietly alerted one of her schoolmates (they practically only let Yalies into the FBI) to ask him or her to keep an eye out. Discreetly, though - so hopefully they’ll play themselves.

The fact that this exists and the page is still active proves that Mark Zuckerberg is just as big of a fucking idiot as Trump.  Facebook's Terms & Conditions are meaningless and are only selectively enforced when it suits their bottom line.

I see these fucking 3% assholes all over here in NC with the stickers on their trucks. They’re advertising that they’re terrorists and get to just walk around free.  Fucking Vanilla ISIS.

This is pretty typical of white people when they are confronted with being white. It must be really difficult to self-reflect on your own narcissism!

“For it is thine right and thine privilege to ignore the voices of those blessed with melanin, to bask in your ignorance, and to call yourself the victim when called out for such. Commence with thine tears of righteous whiteness, for thou art the way and the light and the truth, as far as you know it.” - 1st Becky 7-8

It would have been so easy to say “Whoops, my bad; guess we miss some releases in Australia, glad to be in the company of these comedy legends.” and go about her life.

Rebel Wilson is not just an actress. She is a businesswoman who has an eponymous clothing line marketed to plus-sized women. Even if you’re not interested in hearing what black women have to say on the subject at hand, as an entrepreneur presumably trying to grow a business catering to plus-sized women, it seems

That’s what I came to say.

This is EXACTLY what I was thinking.

“And so it is, thou shalt block the brown people whomst accost thee on the internet, for thou canst not call the authorities on them” - 1st Becky 1:6

This was so unnecessary. She could have just easily said, “OMG how could I forget?! I’m in good company ;)” and kept it moving. Instead she went all #WhiteFilmsMatter and it’s becoming a thing now.

Swear my ass shoulda gone into PR

Australians gonna Australian.

“Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.”—Proverbs, 16:18

Sounds like she wasn’t having a Super Fun Night. She needs a better PR team because her tweets were less than Pitch Perfect. I have no more puns because those are the only things I know she was in.

Her status has nothing to do with the fact that she owns her music, and he’s not allowed to use it without permission or payment. How’s that for who’s allowed?

I don’t get why they keep playing music from people who disagree with everything they’re about. There are plenty of country artists whose music they can use. Or they can even hire Ted Nugent if he’s not still shitting on himself and diddling underage girls. 

If you came down here looking for comments, arguments, polemics etc. and you tl;dr’d the article, please go back and read it.