
The plugs usually lock to the car when charging, so it would be tough to steal. I’m be more than a little scared of cutting a live wire with that much juice flowing through it!

Dear Tesla Stans, know that when you buy your cellphones on wheels, you are supporting a right-wing maniac who has zero self-awareness.

Musk is a fucking POS, and you shouldn’t give him any of your hard earned money by buying a tesla.

Well, some aspects of Johnny Cab, anyway.

Old is not an ethnicity. You may not know this, but all people age. Way to tell on yourself, though.

Maybe their friends jumped off the bridge?

To me, it’s not a car in particular, but a material.

Every single video is vertical... this is torture! 

I haven’t had much trouble with the first group, but I completely agree that pickup trucks are hugely popular with idiots suffering from toxic masculinity poisoning. Especially big trucks. An F250 is more likely to have an idiot behind the wheel than a Ranger.

All lifted pick-up trucks, all pick-up trucks not used by people currently needing the pick-up truck for work, all pick-up trucks driven by people waring Oakleys, all white pick-up trucks, Altimas, Jeep Grand Cherokees.

That LP reflection is fun.   Also that is a fake plate based off the numbers.  

Pickup trucks. I always seem to run into two types of pickup drivers in my area. The first is someone who works in a trade who is constantly driving around the neighborhood while on their phone. They’re generally going 10 below the speed limit and stopping randomly in the middle of the street because their mind is

Trucks with flags.

Well considering most people are assholes the low-hanging fruit is “every car.”

Any Hummer that isn’t owned by an actual government military agency.

For many diesel enthusiasts, though, that’s not enough to do any “real” work

idk...I think the mid-90's Taurus was the blobbiest of them all.

The blob generation of cars. And if you need a specific example, the Hyundai Coupe is probably one of the worst of those.

I have two hot takes: