Do what now? Martyr much?
Do what now? Martyr much?
Those fuckers think everything and everyone is out to get them, don’t they?
In-flight wifi is expensive!
If there’s one silver lining, it’s that an implosion would have been a quick death and they wouldn’t have suffered like they would if they suffocated.
Well stated in the article.
lol you’re not even providing examples so I’m gonna go ahead and assume you’re full of shit. Let me guess, you think Europe should turn away migrants from the middle east, correct?
Hey as far as I know the British and Irish don't have these cars even with their failings
Ok, but having a car powered by a puma is not a well-known and accepted convention in automobile design and engineering. A turbo is. Its like, I don’t know, making a 4-door car and calling it a coupe. NOBODY would do that, right?
Not steered with a rudder. Ships and airplanes have rudders. It was steered with a tiller.
Covid much?
New car smell is just a cocktail of adhesives outgassing.
Odds are high that multipel LEOs yelled multile orders at the person at the same time. Regardless of whether any of the orders were actually heard, one of the LEOs would felt bad being not obeyed instantly, thus the taser. Which yelling officer should have been listened to? Another case where the LEOs did not follow…
Unfortunately, if you don’t have enough situational awareness to realize that the cops are try to get you to pull over, you should NOT be driving. And, while tasing is both “bad” and, given the clarity of 20/20 hindsight, unnecessary, it still beats the alternatives of bullets or a PIT maneuver.
Serious question: How much lost capacity for the production of EVs has there been because of environmentalists forcing shutdowns and reduced production of mining operations?
they should be getting better at flagging chargers that doesn’t work first
Tesla Model 3. I like the size, the price, the exterior styling, and could, I guess, live with the interior. I can afford it, and in 2 or 3 years will likely be looking for something electric. But the company owner is a deal breaking flaw for me (and especially my wife).
They do that here sometimes, but most of the time people just say fuck it and keep driving. Just don’t overtake them is my general rule of thumb. Sorry your uncle died, but I did not plan an 8 minute unscheduled stop on the road in my commute thanks.
Terribly sad for the children. Tragedy doesn’t remove the fact she was still a moron. Morons can still end in tragedy. Or does the fact she produced offspring - something any literally brain dead mammal (as in comatose, non funcitoning brain) can do so long as they have functioning ovaries - magically remove the fact…
Then what would you have done differently, if you were a coworker of the deceased? Keep in mind that they COULD NOT shut down the engine, because of an inoperative APU. Until they hooked up ground power, they need electricity inside the plane.