
So I guess you missed the part about the 4-star safety rating?

How much you wanna bet that if a black driver unintentionally hurt someone while being forced to flee a group of Trump-supporting white supremacists during a “stop the steal” rally that these new laws suddenly wouldn’t apply

What the fuck?

One time, I told a great story about something that happened while I was learning to drive—and then LATER THAT SAME DAY it got screenshotted and the screenshot was pasted into an unreadable slideshow to drive advertising revenue to the owners of a company that I don’t even work for. Boy, was my face ever red. I’ll

Jeep Slideshow. Closing window now. Sorry Hodge, it’s not you, it’s me.

I was interested to hear that the suggestions were...but seeing that they are presented as a slideshow, now I am not.

Start slideshow >

Did really have to be a slide show? NO the heck it didn’t. Just freaking click machine. Jeez

Jesus. I appreciate your motorcycle related articles and your (for the most part) neutral stance on brands, but holy shit are you a condescending prick in the comments. RufusRJones is right, we all know what the exterior looks like but that didn’t stop you from posting pictures of that

Didn’t stop you from posting 13 pictures of the exterior that we’ve all seen....and They all look exactly the same.

Might want to include an interior shot of a car you’re reviewing since that’s what you see when you’re using the damn thing

You don’t get to have an opinion because you are not of the Cherokee nation. Or you can have an opinion but it actually doesn’t matter and is categorically wrong. Choose which.

Actually Patriot might be offensive to some of the people who self identify as such and have clearly demonstrated they don’t have a clue what that means.

Right but - you know dear - since your are neither Cherokee or Stellantis your opinion means fuck all.

We are all animals. Failing to see that, you are part of the problem.

I just did, so suck it.

I call bullshit. Maybe this would be an issue if the name were in some way derogatory to native americans. It’s not.

The main valid reason for not putting your windshield wipers up is that, over time, it will stretch the metal springs that keep the arms tight against your windshield. This will lead to less effective wiping.

Rather than go into a long diatribe about why, I’m just preemptively say tl;dr, Kevin is wrong and his take is bad.

I also feel that they were running out of ideas. Some of the stuff near the end seemed quite a stretch or really obscure for a myth.