
Oh look a garbage truck. Where Justin should have left his haircut.

A segment cars are also not much cheaper to produce than B segment cars and have their own challenges with regards to safety. So the margins are awful. Renault is killing it with the Zoe, so the idea that people are just abandoning small efficient cars isn’t totally borne out. The Twingo was just too much for Renault

The companies are just producing what the consumer wants - which apparently is said gargantuan vehicles. It’s not their problem that most people are wrong in what they actually need - but offering vehicles people don’t want will result in...going out of business.

Amazing. So every last automaker has the funds to flood the streets with moronic gargantuan SUVs that nobody needs, that are horrible for the environment, endangering others and that take up city space we don’t have. But for small cars that actually make sense as a way of individual transportation... Nah. Boggles the

It’s funny how they can say this yet, and we can't get near that or it'll be left in the unapproved bin

What the fuck is a Gawker?

How about L’Eclair?

My sister got a Corvette when I was a kid that had glasspacks.  What I remember was when it started up once it backfired, burped and crapped out two wads of fiberglass out the back.  It ran better after that, but the cops were unimpressed.

And to add to that, the motherfucker who bought the gun for him didn’t want to give it to him when he asked for it, but was too much of a fucking pussy because he didn’t want Rittenhouse to “throw a bitch fit.” he just not gonna tell us what the “context” is? 

Are you lost?  This isn’t the Neutral Planet.

Trump supporters are like the bullies who pick on you and tell you not to snitch, until you hit them and they immediately snitch.

inb4 “sTiCk To CaRs”

I’m sorry. I must have missed all the times that Biden, or I, have condoned that fucking behavior.

Dafuq is wrong with you? 

Frankly a “solid” pass is the best case scenario for these things and it’s just going to get worse from there.

"Wait, wait don't eat me!"- Peter Segal

A Flock of Seagulls

I hope "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me" host Peter Sagal offers to eat a picture of a guy who kind of looks like this guy.