For real this time!
It's ridiculous! People are willing to grant that the Southern Baptist Convention doesn't represent all of Christendom, but most critics of Islam can't even seem to distinguish between Sunni and Shia, let alone understand what Wahhabi Islam is. It's all the same to them. All of Islam is evil, the Koran is full of bad…
"Fortunately for us all, the press is not a child that can be distracted by something shiny."
So, to recap, we have to miss out on a smart, intelligent journalist like Jeremy Scahill because Maher just HAD to bring on Milo Yanolipohamalamadingdong to "defend free speech" or whatever?
Not true. He's useful for the guests he regularly brings on who are way smarter than he is, eg Glenn Greenwald, Reza Aslan, and yes, Larry Wilmore.
Check mate.
"Railroads are for dirty liberals."