
For as much as GTA V was a letdown for me from a gameplay/mission perspective, man, they really did build a fantastic world. I still boot it up sometimes just to drive around in first-person and listen to music/podcasts.

With this and the other free agent news I’ve seen, it seems like only the good teams are doing anything. Is it selective on my part or are the Bucks (for example) doing anything? The Nuggets? Everyone else that didn’t make the playoffs?

You know I am all for his parents giving him the freedom to wear what he wants and that kind of crap. It is honestly refreshing to see parents that love him regardless.

She’s a character from Ard Skellige, one of the characters you can help ascend to the throne. If you’ve played the game you might not recognize her because the character in question is probably 100 pounds lighter than the person cosplaying as her.

That Far Cry 4 one was intense. I had tried to do that multiple times and failed.

Also, on a side note, I just finished Blood and Wine... And I’m about to start my 8th playthrough.. Please someone, send help...

“I could buy this house, I don’t fucking need you.”

Get inside my 3DS and give me 100+ hours of joy, you lovely little thing you.

Yeah, especially not after paying for a ticket to the event (and likely travel and lodging). I’m sure there are plenty of other ways I’d rather spend my time there.

More power to them but man I would never wait that long to try a game

Dishonored was one of my favourite games of last generation. Fun mechanics, a story that while not amazing, was convincing and entertaining enough, unique setting and aesthetic, some of the most fun level design of the past 10 years.

Every mass effect game has a female hero...this one is no different...nothing new here

I’m crossing my fingers that the new owners understand what you guys do and let you be. You’re easily the most consistently good writers on the Gawker platform, and my guess is that ad-revenues reflect that. Also, you do actual journalism, unlike most Gawker sites, which is a huge deal. I may not support Gawker in

Jeff Gerstmann doesn’t like Red Dead Redemption, so.

I did a search and found the article I read:

It sounded like BS at the time, but didn’t they flat out say it wouldn’t come to consoles because it would be impossible?

More importantly: I’ll soon be able to play the game on my PC using a gamepad.

And get the fuck outta here with your steam controller. The damn thing only works half the time and I need to set aside half a day to properly configure its myriad of settings.

It’s ok to move on now...

What the fuck are you talking about?

Huh? Unfairly? They were using a cheat program plain and simple. matches become ultra frustrating when you have cheaters aimbotting you when you are trying to have a good time playing a game using your skills.

Dude, get some fucking paint and fix the place up.