

No it's not. It's been discussed at length that it is in fact a dragon. Also, what swan do you know that has this head?

I just want to know the stat of kids pissing off their parents by ordering pizzas without them finding out until the pizza gets there...


Why are you acting frustrated? Are you from the last generation?

Kotaku reader, The internet

No thanks. As long as consoles have physical media, no bullshit drivers, online only DRM and not having to play EA games though Origin, consoles will always be superior. Mods can not make up for that AT ALL. I mean mods are cool, they really are but 99.7% change the game to much. I want the game the way they were

Don't get an erection...
Don't get an erection...
Don't get an erection...

The black kids get tricked and nothing, the white kids get tricked but end up still getting what they want....well that's interesting:-)

I got 99 problems but a ditch ain't one.

How bout quiting your bitching and be happy they are still supporting the game at all.

Cant wait for the II.5 remix, III and FFXV! Love Nomuras style

Just want to say fuck the haters LA Noire was a magnificent game, and I wish there were more like it.

The Ouya

The continued absence of Yakuza 5 in the West - in addition to Sega's seeming abandonment of the franchise outside of Japan - really should be a part of this list.

Yes, but this is her entire youtube channel. She purposefully ignores people and then posts their desperate attempts to get attention. She's just as bad as they are.