
Is that Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust?

Waited patiently until they synchronized:

Sometimes, Gamers = Morons.

Did Achievement Judas sell-out Trophy Christ?

Inb4 people use the overly used "Super Alpha EX Mega Turbo Champion etc." joke.

These lists are kind of shit. A significantly more meaningful set of lists would be EXCLUSIVE PS3 games and EXCLUSIVE Xbox360 games, and then a list of must-have MULTI-PLATS. This seems like a no-brainer.

What's the matter? Not enough bald space marines for you?

Sabin could handle it

It's a Black Cat....Xbox One is Bad Luck

Tricky because they do own the Seattle mariners.

That Playstation controller grew up to be a fine lady.

Never be a designer.. Your eye for detail is..... lacking.

Everybody's getting excited/mad for this remake and I'm just sitting here waiting for the one I want.

Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a cheap Buy it Now."

Who needs NEXT GEN?

Looks a bit like her nipples have been tied to her knees.

I absolutely love that you copied your response this many times. I too was wondering why in the world over 10 people had to tell you the exact same thing. Hahaha, if they're gonna repeat the same thing to you 10 times you might as well return the favor. ;P

I absolutely love that you copied your response this many times. I too was wondering why in the world over 10

External drives are slower, so putting a game on it increases load times quite a bit. It's better to have a hard drive in the machine than, one hooked up through USB.

External drives are slower, so putting a game on it increases load times quite a bit. It's better to have a hard