I think Connor's awesome. I caught me better than Altair did.
I think Connor's awesome. I caught me better than Altair did.
I spent that much a month before... on more than one occasion... it was all anime. I regret nothing!
No no no... SIXAXIS sucked, DualShock 3 was an acceptable apology.
The issue with the Templar / Assassin and the modern day story, is that it lost its drive when Desillet left Ubi. It could have been a very interesting story line linking historical events and creating a global mythology. But it feels like the successors did not really know where to go with and just carried it out for…
I feel like the AC series gets an unfair rap a lot of the time. I personally enjoyed all of the AC's a great deal.
I guess, but whats the point? I see nothing wrong with a western FF, but it's not something I'd want. Have them just make a new ip at that point. I like FF's distinctly Japanese aesthetics for better or worse and thats one of the reasons I go looking for a FF game.
Meanwhile in Australia, the entire game is just tow truck and submarine missions.
There's one big omission here...
THIS!!! It's called the Karate Kid and it's about KUNG-FU!!! Shame, shame, shame, lame, lame, lame.
Thanks for the reminder that we'll never get a localized Yakuza 5. ;_;
Amazon converted my Watch Dogs PS4 bundle into a "Launch Day Bundle" only. So no commitment for the game and my cost is lowered to the standard $399 price. And I retain my position in line. GOOD ON THEM!
I could write about Mirror's Edge all day. About how much I love it, how important it's been to this generation of…
Wait: the creators of this game think their character is an NPC? When you can play as said character?
So that's where Riker got his maneuver.....