'Till all are crap.
'Till all are crap.
This just got interesting. Aside from the fact that the Neo Geo X is a crappy little, inaccurate, barely working piece of shit emulator with massive frame rate and audio problems, when the parent company says stop, you stop.
I know why the title says "Grand Theft Auto" instead of "Sleeping Dogs": Page views.
Shin Megami Hentai
Stores sell a lot of the 4gb Xbox just because parents buy them and don't want to pay more for space they think their kids won't need. Sony wants some of those dumb parent sales too. Smart move.
I design and manufacture cutting tools for mostly gun manufacturers like Remington, Ruger, Mossberg, S&W, H&K, Colt, and once NASA.
The irony is; that's not even an anime.
But no, go ahead personally insulting people for liking things you don't while contributing absolutely nothing to a discussion. Makes you look all smart and stuff.
For the record, I don't even really like much anime, but stupid comment is stupid.
youre girlfriend is ugly, and no one will be your friend cause you have a boat. calling people nerds on a video game website? okay tough guy, enjoy designing useless fucking saws your entire life.
You're definitely the alpha male, aren't you Brucie? Lay off the bull shark testosterone, and buy some cars from this century.
I don't understand. Why defend yourself against a bunch of anime nerds? It's not like their opinions matter. I mean, they watch anime. Which must mean they never do anything good with their lives. Because they watch anime. Instead of playing Halo.
See, that's the key. Ya gotta play Halo. Halo makes you part of a…
Your girlfriend is not attractive. You should not have posted that
I see what kind of narrow-minded fuckwad you are. See, you constantly live in this perfect little world you've created for yourself that rests within society's status quo. Anything that doesn't meet that quota or interferes with your world is immediately targeted for destruction. Well fuck you. Call me a loser for…
Nothing else need be said.