
That's because no owner actually drives it fast. Prius owners, on the other hand, save lots of money on gas.

yeah, they drive better concerning their own confidence maybe, but plain and simple pot alters your state of mind, it impairs judgement. The last time I drove with someone who was higher than a kite, not to mention smoked up while driving, was absolutely terrifying.

Raph, this is my view on it: sure, you could cut your losses and just buy a new one. Anyone can do that. If you take the time (don't think about the money) and effort to fix YOUR baja, then it's completely YOURS. The tired built, not bought phrase rings true here. Sure, it'll cost you, but once it's done, not only

Travis was a racecar driver and he drove so gosh-darned fast. He never did win no checkered flag when his dragster went right past.

Hitting a wall sucks. There is not sound that is worse than hitting one. I was pissed, but it is what it is. The car still ran, and after a quick tow out of the mud, I drove it to the pits. Bill Caswell reset the toe, and we got back on track with a new driver.

there's the Pontiac that was, and there was the idea of Pontiac, which Pontiac was rarely good at building.

Don't do it, Jesse! You know he's got AT LEAST 100 GRAND under the hood!

"This will decimate all"

I was trying to think of a way to articulate it in my comment but ran out of ideas. I think it's because it looks like it means business and well balanced. Plus I'm a VW fan and this car has been dominating.

Well as long as Ferrari doesn't get involved in this planning. The last thing we need is another German-Japanese-Italian concept project being hatched.

"NEXT TRACK: RAILROAD." And then it switches to railroad mode, and grows train wheels.

Is it weird that when I read "next track button" I thought it must have been some fancy mode for the 4WD system?

Then I thought about it more and promptly facepalmed.

What do you need a next track button for? All of the Jimmy Eat World songs are good

the world's largest consumer of blue polo shirts.

If you say "ah crap, we're running low on milk" will an Amazon Drone come and deliver you milk?

This booger feels like a tiny tennis ball man...

Wow. This just proves what I always suspected. Green cars are much stronger than orange cars.

Don't drink and drive. It's safer to taxi.

Yeah, I'm almost never one to say too soon, but that qualifies.

I currently live in AZ, and with proper kits and registration, quads can be street legal here. I'm from NYC and think a quad would be a PERFECT city vehicle (with proper tires). I've been saying this for ages.