
NASCAR should do a hillclimb as part of the championship.

I like to think of myself as not a bad person, but when you run from the cops and put countless innocent lives in danger, I agree 100%—-you forfeit any right to sympathy when you end up killing yourself.

Nope, If you're gonna be an idiot trying to flee and endanger other people lives, then you die as an idiot. I have no sympathy at all.

Backseat drivers are the worst.

Now playing

Play this over the muted vid. Problem solved.

Ok, I'll play. But only with strict methodology:

Well of course Sarah Jessica Parker appreciates Horsepower...

If you're gonna pull that idiot card, then you also need to claim that women can't have their picture taken unless they take off their make-up.

I'm still not seeing how it makes a difference. If a chick can cake her face in a shitload of makeup and still take a picture, why can't a guy? Gender has nothing to do with whether or not makeup makes a person recognizable; what actually matters is that the picture is an accurate representation of their everyday

Real men don't give a shit if other dudes want to wear make up. Who cares.

If girls can wear make up in their driver's license pictures, then so should this kid.

At the same time, it's hard to come up with a solution that's equitable for everyone involved here. Rockwell deserves the car that was stolen from him, regardless of circumstances.

Can somebody please put in a call to this guy? Maybe he can make shit right for the father and son.

Maybe with some crowd funding or a good guy with a bunch of old cars could donate a car to those guys....That does seem pretty low to want to sue the guy for trim pieces.

Please read "Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War."

1. His critique is about what the f-15 has become. That in increasing its roles, it's not as nimble as it should be for a pure air superiority fighter. Hence the f-16.

10.) Engine Removal, The Easy Way