LOL!! You never played EVE, did you?!? You have no idea!! NOOB!
LOL!! You never played EVE, did you?!? You have no idea!! NOOB!
Yeah suddenly my long-mulled-over replay as a girl who specializes in clubbing people or blowing them up but also repairs things really well, sounds great...
Welp, time to start a new playthrough of New Vegas.
Now i got Johnny Guitar stuck in my head again ... Thanks Kotaku.
I have mixed feelings about this article.
I still like them because there's rarely anything worthy on TV those hours. I got a friend (been friends for like 9 years or so) and the only thing we have in common is how much we like the simpsons, not lying, our conversations are mostly composed of puns and references from old episodes from The Simpsons.
I still watch the Simpsons re-runs and new episodes each sunday. Im not gonna say that the new episodes are as good as the old ones, but they are not as bad as everyone says they are.
And men have hairless chests the size of football fields too. So? Both sexes are grossly displayed in all media, from games to movies to tv and so forth.
I miss arcades. They played a huge role in the social development of so many young dudes. I learned how to share with, root for, and compete against friends in a healthy way. Street Fighter II taught me that. It taught me to persevere against older guys, who had better skills than me.
I got to know the arcade…
I really wish these sorts of posts summarized the points made in whatever video they link to. Some of us are at work where YouTube videos are blocked.
I threw a $15,000USD-equivalent funeral for my mother. She grew up poor, paid her way to become a successful nurse, left her home country and continued to support her family there and me here, and when she died.. she deserved the nicest things ever.
I wish we could have an Esports article that didn't involve arguments about whether Esports are real sports.
League of Legends broke 32 million active players (by month)
Welcome to Kotaku. You must be new here.
I cried too after I realized I paid $500 to play Knack.
Football unites countries where governments fail. Here's to hoping gaming will do the same too. <3
While I'm sad you posted this about forty-five minutes before my Pop Culture of the 1940s Final, I'll bite. :)
I don't see why it's a massive pain, if not impossible. I have often put multiple gifs in one post. What's the issue you have?
The Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl Gamer:
"Yes, boys, I play games (nothing but CoD and Angry Birds), and no, I don't want to have sex with you ;)" Not to be confused with regular game-playing females, these women wanted attention and learned that nerds are a good way to get it.
Case in point: xMinks.