
I’m kinda just thinking that the Root has problems with Asian people from Queens who don’t speak in broken English or try to sell them exotics meats, herbal remedies made from dried whatever, or maybe a freaking Mogwai.

Thank you. Although I am forever in the greys, I had to comment. This nonsense needs to end. The Twitter outrage machine is just exhausting. I don’t have a blaccent.  How do I get one?  I would hate to lose my membership.

Lesson learned. Don’t write a black protagonist.

When they hired whatever her name is to take over and she made some ridiculous statement about how things were going to be “different” I laughed my ass off. This shit is identical if not worse than all the garbage they’ve been shoveling out the door for years.

I think it’s funnier you can’t be assed to Google image search the actress to realize it’s pretty much just modelled off of her before you go off on some judgmental bullshit.

This feels like a whole lot of griping over nothing. They said they consulted with multiple BIPOC during development including multiple actresses involved in the project. But the writers are white so oh noooo, “cringe” and “wince”.This ultra-modern constant hunting for anywhere to take offense and spot racial injustice

Kotaku starts making trash articles again, I miss the old writters, back in 2013, when they’re still interesting.

Typical Kotaku, always trying to find problems and controversy when there is none all in the name of creating better click bait articles

Ray Wise approved. 

This is basic business handshakes 101. If people don’t understand this, how do they ever get their business hugs right?

I get to write about video games for a living, have cheap rent (thanks Kansas!) but also have fast internet because I live near Kansas City.

Pretty sure they were actually seagulls.

I think we can all agree portraying Toad as a deadbeat stoner should be canon. 

I'll never understand people who got so worked up about the notch. It was a little extra screen space that otherwise is lost, what difference does it make.

yeah, you can make games for $0. i know this because i have never worked on a video game before

Ahem - I believe there’s a Hemsworth brother younger than Liam: Larry. He’s a surgeon and is formerly engaged to the late Tahani Al-Jamil.

Why do people go over the speed limit? Unless it is a literal life or death situation, there is no reason to speed. Wanna go fast? Go to a local track day.

“If you come looking for us, we’ll shoot ya!” where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, ONLY conservatives. 

And I’ve been milkin’ and plowin’ so long that even Ezekiel thinks that my mind is gone!”

Look, I’ve spent too much time explaining the sunk cost fallacy to people to stop doing it now.