
Did they include a black iPad just so I couldn't make the joke "Of course Paula would own the white iphone?

"I don't like the game" or "it don't work on my crappy, old, computer" is not a legitimate excuse

Now playing

I wish someone had the files on the first RE4

Weird Al's Bad Hair Day was the first CD I ever purchased!

Let's see him beat Sephiroth by button mashing.

There is still plenty of time to improve and optimize the games Luminous Engine. I don't see why not? What do you mean by the "core game?" Graphics, rendering capabilities, API implementation, resource optimization, all of that can happen at any stage of the development cycle.

So... the core game is a non-existent,

Maturity. In a series where you collect trading cards of naked women as a reward for having sex with them.

It's really kind of funny seeing Super Mario Bros, Ice Climber and Donkey Kong described as "maze" games.

Next weeks shop ya'll.

Shit damn, this is racist.

Lets be real
Black Guy:
"I feared for my life" - Pass
Black Guy:
"Have a good day sir" - Fail

The last time I tried beating with Kinect, Microsoft banned me.

Also, you can actually beat the whole game in one 3day cycle,

Who do you think?

They're forgetting the current model of pre-order DLC where it becomes impossible to get the whole game unless you pre-order from 5 different stores.

Give him a good looking long blond wig and I could see him as a decent choice for Wulfgar from the Legend of Drizzt series. Not sure how good he is at acting outside of his few Game of Thrones lines though.

Did Steve tell ya that?

Monty and I were from around the same area. I used to play him at Tekken at the arcade, or watch him freestyle Pump It Up. I remember him getting a job working on Afro Samurai (the game) and he moved out west. Didn't really see him much, maybe at an anime convention or two, but he was always friendly and personable.

Hell, sometimes you just have to stand on the opposite side from the zombies. It's hilarious watching zombies try to walk towards you and impale themselves on spikes (though I guess that maybe doesn't give you kill credit so no exp for it).

Oh god, please, stop. People don't get to decide what is and isn't funny - and humour is a fantastic coping mechanism for a lot of people. Saying "i'm offended" means nothing, I don't care, nobody cares.

Dear lord, the baking... the baking!!