People can joke about Duke Nukem Forever as much as they want...
But I picked up my pre-order and enjoyed the fuck out of that game.
That's right, people.
I enjoyed Duke Nukem Forever.
People can joke about Duke Nukem Forever as much as they want...
But I picked up my pre-order and enjoyed the fuck out of that game.
That's right, people.
I enjoyed Duke Nukem Forever.
OK nintendo listen to me. I am a bottom of the barrel consumer when shows are made for the dumbed down audience, and games are created for the lowest common denominator, I am that audience. I know what the fat lazy american wants and your main goal should be to tell us that its not a matter of want, its a matter of…
Did anybody else experience a sense of horrible irony when the commercial said "An exclusive library of games", and then proceeded to show gameplay from The Wind Waker?
I love my Wii U because all I really wanted was to play my Nintendo games on it (I have a nice gaming PC for most other games) but clearly the vast majority of the people who were into the Wii really cannot be recaptured with the Wii U. I go to my Grandma's retirement home and on the chalk board it says "Tuesday 6PM…
"Enjoy the same features your friends have enjoyed for years on modern consoles, and warmed over rehashes of the same games we've been shoveling for a decade. But your six year old wasn't alive the last time, so it's a whole new world!"
IKR! I loved Skyrim for sure, but the bizarre medieval cum alien landscape of Morrowind was certainly the most memorable of the series.
China sucks, no free speech. Internship is also a scam.
Democrats are exactly the same. Nancy Pelosi is a multi-millionaire with a net worth of over 30 million dollars and, in fact, the vast majority of US congress are millionaires as well. The only difference in our healthcare fiasco is while the Republicans shill for the insurance industry, the Democrats shill for the…
You can't really understand the issues modern healthcare has until you have to wrap your mind around the fact that you're going to die because you don't have enough money.
I'm disappointed in you, Kotaku. I was all hyped because I thought you referred to the musings of one Jimmy Wong:
I think m9105826 sounds like he knows exactly what he's talking about.
When it comes right down to it, nothing's stopping you from playing it on your phone.
I tend to find myself wishing that games would throw "anomaly" enemies at you sometimes.
... you know you both are correct — its all up to how you interpret the map. m9105826 is saying that the 2D map could be a warped projection of a spherical planet where the edges all connect. Imagine that all of the corners are a single point on the surface of a sphere. Distances on the map would not be uniform (an…