There are real problems in the world. An fake in-world advertisement in the background of a video game cannot and should not make that list.
There are real problems in the world. An fake in-world advertisement in the background of a video game cannot and should not make that list.
People seem to have gotten a lot bitchier in general, if we're being honest. There has to be something wrong with everything, and even the smallest of issues is the end of the goddamned world.
Singapore has the right idea...
Other places make some aspects work fairly well. People in US cities are just especially shitty.
15 upvotes, sure, but when only 15 people are still playing the game...
Real answer? Because Bethesda is a foot-in-the-door studio with a revolving door of talent and has no senior staff or capable management to speak of. The fact that they produce anything is a small miracle.
I’d love some more technical information on what goes into reactivating disabled code in a compiled PS4 binary
Is it based on the Turtledove novels? Because if so, you're going to be missing out. They're more "Man in the High Castle" than "The South Will Rise Again".
No one in the world tests their emulators with pirated copies. You dump your own copy, which is entirely legal, and ensures that nothing has been screwed up by anyone else.
I mean, there's no debate to be had here... the selling of this software is illegal, and the FSF will almost certainly file suit.
There’s a very real possibility that Craig wants to kill the franchise just so they stop dragging him back into it
Yeah, because Die Another Day and The World Is Not Enough were shining character-driven gems... You should hop into a time machine and go check out 2006 again. Craig and Casino Royale were very welcome changes to the Bond formula, and even the worst Craig film hasn't been nearly as bad as some of the "classic" outings.
Holy shit, people, you know there are real problems in the world, right?
When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality can feel a lot like persecution. Most people are just too stupid or willfully ignorant to recognize their privilege.
Shitty P2P server hosting and dedicated server farms offer two very different experiences.
A bit part actor playing a side character didn't get star billing? You know there's REAL racism going on in the world, right?
The S2K would like a word...
As someone who did CG character design for the better part of a decade before a career change, I refuse to believe that this is official art. The hair system looks like something a first year student would shit out a day after learning how groom tools work. The lighting is god awful and the poses and framing are…
I have, at various points, been a CEO, CFO, and COO. If I ever missed projections by a massive amount, I rightly viewed that as a failure of my leadership, and took a pay cut to keep things rolling.
How many times do you hey to change the tenets of a religion before you accept that you’re officially just making it up as you go?