
To combat segregation and excluding a race of people you recommend... segregation and excluding a race of people. Grade A logic.

If this is what you worry about, you have no real problems in your life. Focus on something important.

Because Jez’s journalistic integrity has hit rock bottom and is now staffed by idiots who only fill their time by monitoring the lives of more successful idiots.

Literally everything every put on video for social media is performative. This also just happens to be gross.

You’ve clearly never heard of an oral fixation.

Can we stop giving attention to gross people? It just creates more gross people.

This has to be satire, right?

... literally no one said that. There is an option to do none of the above, you get this, right?

HamNo... Shut the fuck up. Dissolve into the management woodwork and spare the world your shitty takes. You used to be a decent writer with interesting insights, but holy shit dude, you've gone off the deep end inside of your echo chamber.

Is your assertion that denying care to people with pre-existing conditions won't result in deaths numbering in the millions over time?

Make gross, classless people into celebrities, get gross, classless results. This should shock no one.

Well, it's exactly the kind of thing you say to someone who has never directed a VFX Blockbuster...

His Stern Face looks more like he's worried he left the garage door open before leaving for the airport.

I refuse to believe that anyone offered the chance to bang on the pyramids (or any other famous and beautiful locale) would turn it down. Life is about experiences, and that one is a doozy. In my mind turning that down is far more boring than being white.

Let me know when China starts kidnapping, torturing, and killing US citizens...

That’s exactly it, it was bookended by Ragnarok and Infinity War, two incredibly fun movies, 7yand you could have skipped it entirely and had no problem following IW.

I’m waiting for people to be ready to admit that Black Panther was... just okay, and certainly more culturally important than fun or entertaining.

Found the self-satisfied white dude!

Can someone explain the weird fetish with getting results on the same night as voting occurs? Seems to me that it's something we should aim to do the right way, and that we have a full 2 months to do that.

Would have made a lot more thematic sense than the actual boss of that area too.