
I mean... how is this not a fair point? If a black man were accused of any of the things Roy Moore is accused of the GOP would have his head. Hell, if a black man even knew someone who was accused of such things they’d have his head. This clearly isn’t an ad directed at Democratic voters, but rather at on-the-fence

Not sure Trump should be critiquing anyone’s hair or skin...

Sounds like an unenforceable contract to me. You can’t claim to sell something to someone and then control what they do with it afterwards. Unless the two year period is explicitly refered to as a licensing period, I don’t think any competent lawyer will have a problem getting this tossed.

If you never invested in a company that hadn’t yet turned a profit, no company would ever get investors...

Good ol’ US healthcare, where your options are to die, or go bankrupt and maybe die anyway, with the added bonus of leaving your loved ones with crippling debt.

Sounds like you’re just upset that you don’t know as many words as other people...

8-12 hours? What year are you living in?

Did you miss the part about no fuel costs and drastically reduced maintenance costs? Because those two things are by far the largest ongoing expenditures for the trucking industry.

“people we love”


Censorship doesn’t apply to private companies, at all.

If you really think there isn’t a single person, especially in Hollywood, who would do this for attention, then I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

Thoughts and... Smokin’ the reefer.

*People and franchises routinely break every section of the US Flag Code every week at NFL games*
American Hero: *silence*
*Players kneel quietly in protest*
American Hero: “Well shit, that’s enough football for me.”

Is it really that great though? We went from a long period of scientific and technological advancement springing forth from public funding, to a reality where the biggest tech news every year is a slightly faster phone. I’d even argue that the smart phone is just the logical repackaging of an old technology, and that

Set a mandatory corporate income ratio. Management at a company can only make x times more, including bonuses, as their lowest paid employee, contractors included. Upper management wants a raise? Fine, but everyone else gets one, too. If your company is doing well enough that you can give management a raise, that

You said “pre-rendered”, which is exactly the opposite of in-engine.

When you know your exact target hardware, you have a lot more flexibility for optimization as a graphics developer. We’re far enough into the console gen at this point that I guarantee that big, phD level graphics dev teams like the one at Naughty Dog have completely abandoned OpenGL in favor of their own home rolled

... every single one of those is in-engine.

Yes. Yes you absolutely can. A MASSIVE amount of work from artists goes into making motion capture output usable, and making it good-looking takes substantial more effort still. If the answer to getting Naughty Dog quality into a game were just “motion capture”, then every developer in the world would be on that same