M73 V12

People don’t realize Grand Rapids, Traverse City or Ann Arbor exist. It’s Hilarious. Let’em stay salty.

CA style gun control does not work. It’s all about the “feels” on the left coast and not data driven legislature. I’d rather maintain my freedoms than have the state tell me what’s best.

CARB is also a joke, 50% of our emissions come from oceanic shipping. If I can’t do an engine swap in a 25 year old car it’s a

What’s your industry?

The job market here is booming. We can’t hire enough engineers, and skilled tradesmen. I left a job in TN for a 40% raise to come back to MI. I had three MI offers on the table.

I actually enjoy the weather. I’m 2 hours from Lake Michigan, 90 min from prime hunting grounds and I’m active outdoors

Have you ever been to Detroit? This is a serious question because if not you’re just making things up.

I’ve been all over the west coast and CA, I know the area, the people, what it’s like to live there. I’ve made my decisions based on personal first hand experience.

Ah, the common CA asshole appears. Lovley.

Ok, that’s a much better answer. That’s due to your specific career choice, not a general theme.

You’re not doing things like interesting swaps, working on older cars with emissions deletes or dealing with overzealous noise regulations.

Your bureaucracy gets in the way of my normal automotive exploits.

I’m too busy fixing the e38 to go to parties :-(

We were specifically talking about Detroit, so the place in question plays a pivotal role in the discussion.

Your actual income means nothing, you need to look at it relative to what you’d make, and the cost of living elsewhere. I’ve got a good buddy living in Seattle making over 200k, sounds great right? After the

People don’t get it. They’re not entitled to a $30,000+ car, they’re not entitled to anything at all. Get away from competing with others and have an honest discussion about how much you can actually spend on a vehicle.

I’m lucky/skilled enough to be in the top 10%, I drive a $15,000 car I plan on keeping for 150k. I

If you’re buying a 33k car that’s your number one problem. Buy a 14k Fiesta and put 50% down instead. If you want something fancy don’t complain about being poor because of it.

That’s because you’re seeing the nature of humans. People bitch about everything and never do much to improve their situation. That’s not a CA specific problem.

Seriously? You need to get out more and understand how cost of living varies around the country. Use a cost of living calculator like this one:

And delay hundreds of travelers, cost the airline thousands of dollars and make a fool of yourself?

You’re going to maneuver a cart under a woman that size? Good luck..

Yeah,if you can afford the housing, taxes, commute times and general BS Gov overreach that goes with living in CA.

I’ll stay in Detroit thank you.

It’s not doing more, it’s doing something different. In Michigan we don’t have enough sun for it to heat up and melt snow on days like today (14F) salt is the only option. They’re also not idiots, they switch to calcium chloride when it gets extremely cold.

lava rock, just like sand does NOTHING to melt the ice. Where did you get that idea?

A 1 Std Dev truck sounds about right.

Wrenching on one does not mean you’re into the community. I don’t see how you draw the conclusion that TDIclub people are losing interest. I’ve helped plan TDIfest and the major G2Gs. TDIclub has grown massively over the years, I’ve seen the site traffic stats, I’ve been to the ‘club events.