
This is really stupid. If you crash because you are looking at your phone it is the drivers fault and their responsibility alone. If you have no restraint and can't wait or pull over to respond you shouldn't be driving.

Not surprised, you are sharing a road with at least 2 ton vehicles speeding along sometimes doing 40+ and all of them are passing you sometimes closer than a foot. The fact that you made it to where you wanted to go not in a body bag is an achievement in itself. Probably will rack up some battle scars at some point

The problem is that this was sent over xbox live where there is a code of conduct and terms of agreement. Harassment and other forms of aggression on xbox are a big no-no. Although this is the internet and Microsoft is generally to lazy and inept to ever do anything properly when it comes to actually supporting

Yeah that much is obvious but from what I could see from the canisters as they got blown out they look more industrial which should mean they should also have that valve. Gas and volatile chemicals are transported all over the world, there is a standard in most countries.

These have to be either really old or defective propane canisters. There is supposed to be a bleed off valve to prevent stuff like this. I can only think that the pressure completely overwhelmed even the worst case load for that, hence the propane missiles.

Sorry but I hope that vision of your doesn't happen until long after I am dead. There is certainly a time where the most likely won't be an alternative but I will give you a straight answer. What would it take for me to give up my keys? For someone to take them from my cold dead fingers... To you maybe cars are

Well that is the thing you can still get extended warranties because quite a few wrxs' are low mileage. some of them are even still covered by the original if you get a more recent one. A warranty shouldn't be a be all end all, it should definitely be a major factor though and also be sure to check the warranty you

Very true but I do think the wrx is a bit more versatile. Mustangs are good for max power for low cash but they kind of fall flat with everything else. I think a wrx would make a better DD plus its also awd which is handy especially for me right on the east coast where the weather can be an issue.

I am sad, at the moment the price hike is completely insignificant. But I have a feeling that the wrx is following the way of the evo and more importantly the supra. It will get to the point where they could very well price themselves out of the market. There always will be people who buy the new year models, but

There was one game that to this day I feel is perfect. Monster hunter for ps2. I absolutely love this game and I was PISSED when they shut down the servers. I still curse capcom everyday because they never brought over the true sequals to it. I dont consider the ds and psp or any wii as a legitimate sequal they

Im really not a fan of bugs, but every time I see yours I smile. If all them were baja'd like yours I think the world would be a better place. May your day be hoon filled and you bug in full oppo!

A quick glance at the car for some reason reminded me of this...I CAN'T UNSEE IT HELP ME!

My university actually did an estimate on what the death star would cost.

R12 is a lot worse then R134A. Its a good thing that you switched but a majority of refrigerants bejng produced are harmful. Its like trading cigars for cigarettes, not as bad but still not healthy.

Yeah this one is definitely fishy and certainly not a GN but if it was at 10k it would be a NP. Still a lot of potential here though, a Regal is nothing to sneeze at.

Most certainly. I voted NP with the condition that it is in fact clean and hasn't been wrecked, stolen etc...