
When you come right down to it, it’s as good a reason as any I guess.

“This piece demonstrates man’s timeless battle between his need to move freely and his chances of being squashed by enormous steel leporidae.”

Ha. I still remember being shit-terrified of that mother goose statue thing.

Haha. Have a star!

Ah, a funderlandie.

I would be totally fine with it so long as the horses stood on the podium and got the medals.

Horse syncro 10m platform. Now there’s an event.

Also, where did you grow up? I grew up in nevada city and then moved to carmichael.

Two words: remodel rabbit.

Seriously, wtf is with that thing?

Fiesta ST:

<3 <3. I was thinking it was a mistake, but then I said "One of the most prolific and recommended commenters in gawker history wouldn't flounder like that."

Me too.


Do you keep all your shoes outside, or do you have a flatfish infestation?

One could say he was... HOT BLOODED (HOT BLOODED!)

I believe the proper technical term you’re searching for is “Clutcher-ier”

What if the service ticket said “A/C runs warm. Owner reports car lacks smell of rotting entrails.”

No, like she literally just sucked at golf. Like she was bad.