It’s a soft ‘J’
It’s a soft ‘J’
And to think, when he left A&M there were some who said he lost his edge...
“It would surprise me greatly if a coach can sign a contract, be unable to perform, and still get paid as though he did while the school has no recourse to find a permanent replacement.”
What do you think this is, HP?
If this had been available 6 months ago, I totally would have bought one over my FiST. an extra 5 grand in go-fast parts and this thing would be TITS MCGEE
I have a couple hives and by far the best thing about keeping bees is eating the bee pollen. it’s A) delicious and B) if you eat just the right amount, you can start to trip a little.
This is either a brilliant troll, or you have mistyped very badly.
My wife steals my FiST all the time with excuses like “its more efficient than my car”, but then it comes back with less average MPG than it started with. And she loves the recaros.
Not really sure where I’m going with this, except I hope your wife makes excellent sandwiches or something.
Also also, how far can it punt a football? Asking for a friend.
Also, for the record, my parents own one and love it. They live across the state and I haven’t gotten to drive it though.
Please post your annoyances so I can knowledgeably sit in their car and bring up all of its faults to annoy my dad, as is my duty as the eldest son.
I was behind one of these on the way home the other day and the wheels seemed impossibly thin. How is the emergency stop distance? I know they’re light but the contact patch looked the size of a cigarette
I’m just saying that legally, they have to be able to speed. Whether excessive use of this right should be disallowed and what constitutes excessive is a whole nother question.
Bruce willis: I hope I’m not seeing all these dead people because I’m one of them! Haha! right guys? guys?
It would be very difficult to issue tickets to speeding cars if it was not.
Right? that’s some speedbag work paying off in a definite KO.
There was an accountant in my childhood hometown named Herb Dodini who had a Nash Metro. Beautiful car.
I still remember it because Herb, who was an EXTREMELY nice man, was also an extremely portly gentleman. You always knew when you were behind Herb because
From experience, I can tell you that it’s really the second one. There’s no computer in the world that can stop a soccer mom who’s pissed because starbucks gave her a soy latte instead of a light soy latte from moving through you like a fat kid through a bakery door.
Of course not, but if we side with someone who could actually win, we don’t need any more drones and bombs. If there’s one thing America has in spades, it’s lobbyists for the military industrial complex.
Its like when the moon goes all dark and the mayans die, or something.