
REALLY well put, Michael. Point 3 is something I’ve been thinking a lot about in this context: like, unless you’re exclusively making bluegrass music, you owe a huge amount of credit to black artists. That’s a damn FACT. So where does cultural appropriation start and stop?

I could see how JGL could say it’s more interesting to have Luke be that way, but the way he got there is complete and utter inconsistency with how his character grew up. Luke held out the highest optimism that Vader could be redeemed and received the positive reinforcement that he was correct. How would it ever make

God I hate SHS. I hate her so much. She’s just so dumb. She’s sooooo unqualified. Her stupid air of superiority makes my insides melt due to the fiery hot rage it induces as my brain screams to be let to skip to a different reality where those tasked with public speaking know how to speak publicly. Where presidents

The fuck you on? Chopper is obviously by far the best character in Rebels. What other Star Wars series has a homicidal droid that likes to punish both allies and enemies almost indiscriminately. I love how he laughs whenever he does something.

It’s pretty obvious from A New Hope that “Ben” Kenobi is a crazy old hermit only because Owen says so to keep Luke from going near him.

it’s genuinely hard to imagine what other Obi-Wan story there is to tell

*Minor spoilers*

Dear people who thought I was being unfair when I implied that Ben Carson is a coon. Exhibit A ^

Now playing

This just makes the clip from robot chicken all the more amusing.

Meesa....sigh. Meesa givin dem da handjobs for Death Sticks, ok? How about yoosa? Yousa want? Here, meesa give free sample. Free sample. Where yoosa going? No! NO! Come back!

Poor, sweet, sexy-ass Ivanka. If only her Daddy had lost the election, her brand may have been more accepted. There’s always porn, and Dipshit would probably approve AND watch...

“Okay, sure, I punched you in the face, but I’m not still punching you in the face. So I stopped you getting more punches in the face. You should thank me.”

Exactly, but you can lure him and his cabinet into a screening of a popular children’s film, lock all of the doors and then light the room on fire. It’d be so easy I can’t believe no one is doing this.