m2m, apex detective

My head processed “... M2 will have 365 hp and come in four just colours.”

Truth be told, that is a very severe case of bad wheels. The only thing I would consider worse from the top of my head is this.

Owndreas Pwninger.

This might grow on me ... but it has to grow an awful lot before I'll like it.

Give me one plox? I have no money and I live in continental Europe ... but I would gladly DD the hell out of that thing. 'ello Ford? :puppyeyes:

You should elaborate, I guess.

Now that's just full-on terrible. There's a very befitting German neologism – Netzhautpeitsche.
Google says that it means something like "retina whip" en Anglais.

RE: Orlove's house

Lumber support!

... but you could just get the saloon. :?

"Please subscribe so you can tell us how much you hate us!"

That's very much responsible, actually.

Yeah, they're the bee's pokes ...

To be fair, it might be a mixture of amusement and bodily fear.

There's enough people who don't give a shit and don't watch their back as they switch lanes. As always, you're better off taking precautions in case they mess up in front of you. Because, you know, you don't want to be in that place where you're really fast and have nowhere to go.

Re: critters

Nothing but luck will save anyone's ass at really high speeds. You're lucky if you get to slide.

Most people are not that great at driving here ... thanks for the assumption, though!

I'd try doing what he did, albeit with a bit more focus on closing speeds and potential physics fun.

There's no harm in going a bit quicker than usual, as long as you maintain respect for what could happen if anyone did decide to move into your lane. Closing speeds should not be too high ... best make sure there's nobody around if you go full retard like this bravely unresponsible man did.