
Every time? Are you sure?

Hunter-Reay nearly lost his head. Halos, anybody?

Earned confidence. Kids born in the 80's and 90's need to understand that term.

I had to do my googles on this guy and holy shit how have I not heard of him?

“It’s about fucking time, dipshits.”

If you want to anger Mike Pence, form a union.

Will still fap

being America’s performance brand

One problem with this take. After he started publicly musing over ideas, he actually did start talking to the dive rescue team privately on email. The “sub” concept was developed with input from the rescue divers and they continued to press Musk to design and deliver the sub, as shown in a series of emails posted to

By “animals” you mean black people, right?  If you’re a racist, just own it.  You’re not fooling anyone. 

You’re complicating this. This is nice, but it’s much much simpler.

1. Buy model / toy cars
2. Remove from packaging
3. Display them on your desk or shelf, or move them around on your desk while you’re on the phone
4. Make car noises
5. Offer zero fucks.

Happened to see this meme then check jalopnik, seems fitting.

Depends on what you’re polishing

I come from a long line of hairy Scandinavians; I’d go up like an old Christmas Tree if I caught a spark.

I’m not (often) naked when I’m in there working with a bench grinder.

This doesn’t seem so bad! I’ve seriously considered it for my own garage. Keep the doors shut (because frigid Michigan winters) while not sacrificing that sweet, sweet natural light.

By finding the best parking spot ever.

I love this look so long as it doesn’t go too big and into “monster car” territory. So much more useful than a lowered car.