

This will surely only anger the mole people more. The Underminer will make his appearance soon, mark my words!

if it wasn’t for stuff like this we’d forget Canada was up there.

Keep in mind that someone in the chain at Hasbro may well have made the decision out of fear of appearing mysogynist (“We can’t refer to these vicious, turncoat, man-eating dinosaurs as female! We’ll catch holy hell over it. Just make ‘em all male.”).

I see a riff on the “Footprints” deal: You were not alone - for that is where I carried you. And holy crap you were heavy!

To be fair, Kinglsey is part Indian. After all, his birth name is Krishna Pandit Bhanji.

Machine: be a man!

Human: what is immoral?

haha. Nah. They mentioned it in Article I Section 9 too.

Adding more fuel to the fire is this

After the long and frequently ugly discussions over the Confederate battle flag that have been raging across io9 and Giz all day, do we really have to have another battle over Apple truthers?

You know how people’s last names derived from what their ancestors did for work? Your last name is Shoemaker, your ancestors made shoes. In Taylor Swift’s case, her peoples did things swiftly. Hence Apples quick turnaround. Duh! Common sense! No conspiracy.

Who’s really behind this conspiracy? Y’ALL MUSTA FORGOT ABOUT DRE

I knew Taylor Swift was from Kenya all Along !!!

“It’s a symbol, and I leave symbols to the symbol-minded.” - George Carlin

The confederate flag that is at the center of debate is actually the battle flag. It represented the rebellion of state over federal rights as well military pride.

Lets make this clear, if i was living during the Civil War, I would’ve fought for the CSA. Why? Not because I support slavery and racism (which I don’t), it’s because I support state’s rights over central government rights, so if I don’t like living in Calfifornia, I can move to Oregon if I liked policy there better.

Cause he’s charismatic as fuck.

I still think it’s amazing that Hollywood and the public have embraced a pro wrestler, one that is half black and half Samoan.