
I said it before and I’ll say it again: Black Widow saying she was sterile was a direct reply to Bruce saying he was. As for her monster comment, she was saying she was monster because she was a killer, not a monster because she was sterile. Sheesh.

I said to Aaron, ‘The only way you’ll stay alive is if the Disney executives say, “Hey idiot, this is a franchise, and we need all these people and you’re not allowed to kill them off!”.

Show of hands, who wants to see Tom Hardy punch a polar bear?

he doesnt know how to use a lasso probably, he could pair with wonder woman though

Now playing

Maybe Waller will use Slipknot (cool name back then, horrible now - thanks nu-metal puke mask band) to show that ARGUS doesn’t fuck around like she did w/ KGBeast in Assault on Arkham:

So a tropical paradise is worse than a global ice age? Because human civilization has gone through the latter, you know...

but a bomb armband he was attached to exploded, taking his right arm with it, effectively ending his career as an assassin.

Bad news for sure, but still unremarkable, geologically speaking. Check out the mean atmospheric CO2 content in the geological periods shown below:

Yeah I didn’t think for a second that she was saying her inability to have children meant she was a monster. I think people are just too angry at the implication.

Seriously. Banner was trying to convince Natasha that she deserved better and that he couldn’t possibly be right for her because he can’t (or won’t) have kids. She revealed the sterilization to say that she couldn’t either. She called herself a monster because like The Hulk she’s done terrible things. She was

Yeah, this is a reach. She’s a monster because she was a brainwashed assassin. She had the choice of children taken from her, and Banner had JUST told her he can’t have kids (I took it as he was sterilized too) as the gamma experiment took that option from him. People really need to pay attention to movies instead of

Wow really? I think people are reading way too much into this whole thing. Obviously her sterilization had nothing to do with ‘red in her ledger’. It was a way for her to bond with banner and convince him that they could actually be happy together.

Also did Selina really just rub up against Fish like a cat?

Isn’t that what really happened to the Hound in the books after he “died”?

Everything you know is a lie, it’s all on that scorecard if you’re not too stupid to look.

Well the Mance storyline has changed. I’m assuming you’ve read the books, right? If not obligatory spoiler spaces

I think that these were the most important parts of the episode, all these little scenes reinforcing the hints that were previously laid down about Jon Snow’s parentage and seeding new hints. This is some major foreshadowing for the big reveal.

Word. I really hate vodka.