E92 Coupe was good. The sedan was lame.
Wow, that looks genuinely terrible and I have never said that about an M3 before. It looks like a Jetta with a quad exhaust.
I totally, definitely, 200 percent wasn’t being sarcastic when I called it weird. Nope. I’m never sarcastic. Never have been, in my entire life. Not once!
/looks at every model in the current lineup
How is it that BMW doesn’t know how to do rear ends anymore?
I did the same thing, but I made electric car sounds so I also set a record, which your hot wheels car with ICE engine sounds cannot beat.
I set a Nurburgring record for fastest siding a hot wheels car that I glued extra seats to around a hand drawn sketch of the track while making engine sounds with my mouth.
So he decided he can’t top the Taycan in the sedan category, so he changes it so he can beat a .... 7-seater record, currently held by a Skoda turbodiesel SUV driven by Sabine Schmitz, and you say “Suck it Porsche fan boys”?
Well... Big Bill Hell wants to be family to the point that he’s fucking your wife...
Isn’t it weird how this person got so defensive over that? I’m reading the replies and I’m just baffled. I guess he misread the article. As far as I can tell, this is what I’ve done in any RPG for a long time because I don’t like wasting time in the character creator.
Have you ever played Destiny 2 comp? It doesn’t seem like you have. These weapons don’t actually make you able to “hold your own” against good comp players with meta loadouts. Not even close. Maybe in low rank. Good players with better weapons are going to mop up against low skills players with “Dad loadouts”.
all I’m hearing in my replies are whiny dads who want to get to max skill rank in a competitive game while still only playing 2 hours a week and just don’t care to get better at something but want all the rewards of it anyway
Here’s a thought: stop playing Destiny 2. This has two clear benefits: you’ll get high off the smell of your own farts in another game and nobody else in the Destiny 2 playerbase has to deal with your dumb ass.
I’m a dad and I don’t wrap my self worth up in my gaming abilities. I fucking love doing dad builds and I never thought to name it like this. It just means a comparative lack of fussing around for how much fun you can have playing a video game. I don’t spend hours in the character creator on an RPG, I spend five…
So you think a weapon that doesn’t need to be aimed more carefully then “the enemy is somewhere on the screen” should be equally matched against a gun that needs consistent headshots?
I’m not offended.
If the “Dad Build” is beating the “Comp Build” doesn’t that by definition mean that it’s now a “Comp Build” and the “hardcore” should match up to the new meta? At that point, it then becomes all about skill, map awareness, etc. since the weapons are on an even playing field.
Except the gaming landscape is made up of more casuals then hard core players. Hard core players are not the target audience especially with massive games like destiny. You have that crap attitude that all elitist have.