M1k3y_ThE LiVing PlaneT

To be a little more serious, I don't take things at face value. The contents of the article are only only one component. You also need to ask yourself, why was this article written ? What is the author's motivations ? And this story in particular comes across as completely self serving. The only thing that's being

Wow that was weird. Its messed up too cuz I was gonna go rub one out after I did my daily site rounds. This being the last site I checked and the last thing I was gonna read, no offense. And now...complete boner killer. I would have never guessed someone could have a self-examinatorial (yeah, I make up words)

I really appreciate io9 for assuming that I knew ANYTHING about DNA :) It made me feel good. As it turns out I do not. In fact, I'm not very intelligent in general. That makes me feel the opposite of good.

My "Box O' Porn" is a Western Digital tb Drive...

Close...Metal Gear Solid.

So long, King Bowser !!!

A bunch of quick cuts and some seizure inducing light flashes, do not a confusing clip make. This all seems pretty straight forward to me. Raiden is on the table being operated on after being injured. Whatever they are doing to heal him is causing his internal systems to produce memory based hallucinations. The rest,

Actually, it's T G R I. I hope that was a typo and not what he said. Cuz if that's any indication...

Now playing

You guys might've won...but I bet you I have better standardized test scores !

Cudi's music is the soundtrack to my life... Including the song "Soundtrack to my life".

"Genius In Simplicity" should be considered natural law.

Honestly, I'm getting sick and tired of the same old "white savior" story, where in some Caucasian male with extraordinary abilities rescues some foreign society that is inexplicably unable to take care of their own situation. This is just Disney's version of Avatar...or last of the Mohican's or Last Samurai. We get

This whole debate on DLC really frustrates me. People have completely forgotten about the power of a good ol' fashioned boycott. It's a tactic that can't fail...Stop supporting the bullshit and the bullshit stops. Where's the incentive for a company to stop fucking us, if we continue to bend over in front of them and

Every time I see a fan project like this, I imagine a few thousand years from now. How long do you think it will take some future (or possibly alien) archeologist to find out that this was NOT an actual working device, but art ?

I'm a sucker for a good mystery as well. If you want another, check out the trailer for this new movie called 'The Sound Of My Voice'...