
Here is your White Trump voter, America.


we’re going to call you on it. Everyone sees what you’re doing, People, and history will not forgive you for it.

On behalf of all straight, white men that did not vote Trump, I’m sorry and will do whatever I can to help right the ship for everyone.

I’m so upset for Hillary. I can’t even imagine what it must feel like to lose to him.

Yeah, no change.

I’m not a huge cry-er. I take things on the chin and move on. I felt such immense pride casting my vote for such a qualified and amazing woman earlier today. I stopped and took the moment in. I immediately saved my I voted sticker.

You’ve marched right on to the bargaining stage, then? I’m still grappling with denial.

Yeah, but then you get Pence.

+ 1 Heart Failure

The problem is not so much that Donald Trump would be an awful President and set the country back - he would. But it would be really hard for any one man to truly destroy the country no matter how hard he tries. Especially when a substantial part of his own party despises him.

At this moment, with the lead being what it is... Fuck you America. Thanks a lot for shitting the international bed.

Florida you are embarrassing.

Tiffany is the Meg Griffin of the Trumps.

That’s cold, they wouldn’t even consider every other wednesday?

Do I believe they called him “Diaper Don?”

This sounds like Clarkson got tired of being told “you can’t do that because lawsuit” and decided to just go over the top with it to make the BBC look pedantic and envious.

Eh, I think calling beautiful scenery “beautiful” is pretty nit-picky too if the BBC decided to go after them for that. That sounds more like a gag than legit legal concerns. It honestly reminds me of the US road trip episode where they claimed they weren’t allowed to be humorous “lest Bruce Willis will come in a

Story 1: So, let me offer the following backstory: I’m lactose intolerant. That’s it, that’s the whole backstory.

It is super telling about every single one of your privileges that you brush off his dangerous racism, misogyny, ableism, Islamophobia, xenophobia, love for murderous tyrants, and ignorance with a mere “...worse for some people, but calm your little heads”. Seriously? Get stuffed.