
When I was much younger (late 90s), my ‘89 Corolla was hit in the front passenger tire and broke a steering strut. After getting towed home, my brother, who knew more about cars that I did, suggested to take it to a guy he knows. (Turns out it was an auto body shop, so they weren’t going to fix this problem, but I

1. I am impressed that is some decent driving in reverse at speed. Lane changes, stop lights, an exit ... all of that. Honestly I have seen people drive WAY worse in forward directions

Man, I am a sucker for this kind of bullshit. I know I will never have real exotic, classic, restoMod, or supercar money. So things that are odd or even just rare appeal to me.

This is a reminder that V8 swap kits for Fieros exist.  If you’re going to be weird, why not be really weird?

I’ve spent a couple months in Germany. One of the big things that Germans get that Americans don’t is the idea of being an adult.

This pretty much says it all. Remember, this is a town with fewer than 1,500 residents.

The one vehicle Mercedes S. doesn’t already own...”

Unbelievable... People are using forums and instead of Facebook groups.

They also seem to be geniuses

Hey maybe we shouldn’t have children killing foreigners. Just a thought.

Read the article. 18-20 year olds are more likely to get in accidents. Much more likely. 

Yeah, the normal responsible firearm owners always get shit on when things like this happen. We need stricter gun control to keep firearms out of hands such as these. 

Governor Ron was dedicated to reducing COVID cases in his state.

I’m a gun owner, and I use it for target shooting and I sometimes take it into the mountains for large animal protection if I’m alone (I also carry bear spray as a first line of defense). I’m also a very even keeled person, not prone to emotional outbursts. But even I know that carrying a weapon daily only makes this

The driver is definitely at fault - yes, because of the legal jargon slung at the driver before they’re allowed to use the system, and yes, because the driver is in charge and has to exercise the judgment and caution required to make sure they don’t go around endangering people. That part is a slam dunk, unless

This guy should have attempted murder or manslaughter charges brought against him - just because he didn’t hit another person with his gunfire doesn’t reduce the seriousness of the crime. Mandatory 10-20 years in prison and a permanent ban from owning or using firearms.  

Well Republicans tell me that arming people makes them safer and more polite, so clearly this is fake news.

If she had lost her balance and fallen off the car - into the water, possibly injuring herself in the process - she’d have complicated the task of the people coming to help her.

Never a good choice, thin spots are random.

Not like there was much else she could do in that situation. Might as well document it.