Great review, and great T-Shirt!
Pixies indeed!
Someone else noted the wonderful “disclosure,” and I quite agree.
You’re a good sport, Mr. Torchinsky, and you make our lives better with your attitude.
Thank you.
Well, first you have to hang those little brass balls off the back.
Horns on the front.
Gun rack.
Move to Texas?
Oooooo. Burn. Ooooo.
Seriously, though?
Add some speakers out back that play growling muffler sound.
In Texas.
Right? I’m especially disappointed that you can reach into the bed over the sides. They’re supposed to be at forehead-level.
Make sure the punisher sticker is has a thin blue stripe on it to indicate you’re both compensating for something AND a fascist who can’t understand a comic book.
I like it, but how can I use it to show I’m extremely insecure in my masculinity?
Which is why when at the checkout at any store when the POS system or cashier asks if I would like to add to my total so they can donate the extra funds to charity or any other cause I always say “no.” I can’t write that extra money off on my taxes nor is there any guarantee that the store is actually donating that…
I’m very conflicted on Lucid. I love the idea of 400+mi of range in a high-performance non-tesla sedan, and the car is beautiful. However, they sold a majority share to the Saudi Government, and quite frankly I do not wish to give money to people who kill opposition journalists and oppress women, not to mention their…
When the allies keep telling the activists to cool their jets and come up with Real Plans and not “pie in the sky ideas” of course motivation will wither away.
An affordable EV that looks good and isn’t too big? Could we be so lucky?
Not at all surprised. Reminds me of last summer, went to the DMV and the line was outside. Standing behind me is a white girl with a Black Lives Matter mask reading a copy of Ralph Ellison’s The Invisible Man. I nodded “hello” to her and she cowered away from me like I was about to steal her purse.
Yeah, the potential for bro-shenanigans is high here. Nothing special enough to roll the dice on it.
Demo vehicles are always a gamble. Remember the people driving it don’t personally own it, and a window tinting business is more likely to be filled with enthusiasts wanting to drive car hard. It’s not an automatic dealbreaker (and it helps that this is a Lexus, not say a German car), but you’d probably want to get…
Ugh, these suuuuuuucked. The one tiny saving grace of the ‘78 Century wagon we had was that it was white with tan interior, so the burns you’d get from the chrome seat belt buckles weren’t quite as bad as in some of my folks’ previous cars.
“...grew up sweating buckets into the absorbent velour of suffocating 1980s sedans.”