I’ve been told that while this is a clever idea, the authorities don’t like when people do this. Even so much as a cigarette butt will make Customs unhappy, let alone some car parts chilling out in the interior.
I’ve been told that while this is a clever idea, the authorities don’t like when people do this. Even so much as a cigarette butt will make Customs unhappy, let alone some car parts chilling out in the interior.
Can you order parts from Japan and have them put inside the cars for free shipping?
“The government didn’t put anyone on the moon. Boeing, Douglas, Grumman et. all did it with government money.
The mRNA vaccine technique was pioneered by the US government’s NIH back in 2013. Moderna partnered with NIH to bring this technology to market in 2017:
Let’s gridlock government and kill it from within...and then “hey look how bad government is, do you really want it taking more of your money?!”
Well written, well reasoned article with solid facts to boot. Bravo!
Holy shit Jamie Kitman is in da house!
Now THIS is a good story to start my day. What could have been a completely horrific accident turned out relatively well due to the correct actions by everybody involved. This is the kind of thing they should show to everyone considering towing anything as to what the POSITIVE outcomes can be if you just follow the…
Fuck it, I’ll do it.
If you’re travelling with “the wife, three kids, and luggage” you’re pretty much guaranteed to already be stopping the 15 minutes every 250 miles that a Supercharger can do.
Let’s not stop at criticizing the font. Let’s criticize the name too.
Wagoneer is a stupid name for a new vehicle being made in 2021.
Maybe it was evocative back when Gunsmoke was still putting out new episodes, but now? It’s frumpy. It’s pleated Dockers. It’s a grown man in Velcro sneakers. It’s simulated wood-grain…
This creativity is why Jalopnik needs a weekly photos hop contest.
Even Raleway, a free Google Font, would have been a better choice as it’s basically Gotham, but with a neat
crossed-V design for the Wfucking VW logo that would have stood out.
Maersk is taking on the ship issue, 2040 or 2050 for carbon neutral.
“The transportation sector is the largest source of these emissions”
Aurora police: Walk down the street while black? Death sentence