
No offense taken! This was 100% an op-ed by me to try and really uncover what makes us want trucks, and that is a very correct analysis of it. Basically I wanted to present the facts, offer a possible reason, and leave it at that. Thank you for reading!

You get it. I couldn’t have put this better myself. Thank you for reading and commenting, and I hope we can avert the disaster we’re all headed towards.

I do like how this article tried to figure out the reasons for Americans to be so infatuated with trucks instead of screaming about banning them or some such nonsense. It was poignant and touched on a lot of good points about the possible psychology of this buying trend. It even explored the pros and the cons of these

Over the past 40 or so years, our country has deferred maintenance on the road system because taxes bad, gas must be cheap and freedom. We’ve also systematically cut almost all the strings to our safety nets, deregulated everything we could get away with and what we’ve ended up with is a world where honestly, Trucks

Sounds like you’re a selfish imbecile.

to their detractors”

Did you read the article or just skip it to post that?

He was trying to say he was too important to let some stupid speeding ticket interfere with giving Mrs. Jones some botox. It was a power play. I hope he gets his drivers license AND his medical license suspended for a while for that stunt.  He seems too reckless for either.

Ironically, it was a ticket for using a handheld device while driving.

Especially now that every person who wanted a camper just went out and purchased one thanks to COVID.”

Stick an extra battery in the trailer.

The kind of charging that happens at home tops out at a maximum of 7.2 kw

They’re going to have to get range in larger vehicles up to about 500-600 miles to have a 250-300 mile range when towing. Especially now that every person who wanted a camper just went out and purchased one thanks to COVID. But with a gas pickup, towing a brick at 70 mph typically halves the fuel economy. EV's aren't

Swappable batteries sound good at first, but they are a huge logisitical nightmare when you really think about real usage. Plus, they require that the car be designed in a very specific, complicated, inefficient way, with limited upgradeability due to backwards compatibility requirements. No structural packs or true

I don’t know about you, but it seems like most gadgets and devices are increasingly going toward built in batteries that aren’t easily swappable. Smart phones, laptops, earbuds/earphones.... The only devices that I can think of that I can still swap batteries are my power tools, TV remotes, and smoke detector.

You’re not just sharing batteries with the previous owner. You’re sharing batteries with everyone he has shared with. Ewwww.

I hope this gets us on the path to swappable batteries. Personally, I feel like shared battery packs are the future. Show up to a charging station just like you would a gas station, and a robot swaps your dead batteries for fully-charged batteries.

So is “the size of an olympic swimming pool,” to a person who isn’t much of a swimmer, and has never been to the olympics

there are 17.6 football fields to the mile. 7 football fields = 4/10ths of a mile.