
Here you can start with these papers and articles (each of them is extensively referenced and peer review):

I saw the packets and they were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me!

Keep the SS you moron.

Do you already know the binary language of loadlifters? If so, then you’re off to a great start!

Thank you!  These slideshows can fuck right off.

Some people will find that pretty useful.

Isn’t that what’s become of Jalopnik?

Eh. It will likely still make me chuckle. Seamen had some funny moments.

I used to think Maryland’s standard issue plate back in the day was nice. Simple black on white but then they changed it. Still ok but not as clean as before.

Best plate hands down is Delaware. They are black with white letters. Simple and clean, how a license plate should be.

Van Halen became one of those bands that was the butt of jokes during the grunge heyday of the 90's, but everyone making those jokes were secretly VH fans who would a decade later crank up ‘Jump’ or ‘Hot for Teacher’. For all his faults, the man was a big influencer of 80's rock and had the balls to add a synth when

Missed that one like a Stormtrooper, didn’t ya?

Anything is possible when you overnight parts from Japan.

Jesus... that first “GONG” noise and my whole body tingles.

This movie is going to full of plot holes, inaccuracies, and overall will probably be pretty stupid.

I’ll see it in theaters at least three times, I’m guessing.