
Also, why are they obligated to? If their preferred platform is PC why shbould they go through the trouble of porting it to multiple platforms essentially for free?

That’s pretty stupid attitude... but it’s still their prerogative. Plus from what I hear it’s actually much more likely to be the case that either their mod relies on other mods not available on console, they can’t bring it to console because of technical limitations, or they have been victims of harassment form

Nah, it’s more like “console players don’t deserve them because they’re sending us death threats and spamming our bug reports with requests, making it impossible to fix actual bugs.”

Bet you Blizz can’t detecet my “video game enchancer”. MUHAHAH!

In an online competitive game you’re paying to be a part of the community. If you start fucking that community up, then you get kicked out of the community. Don’t cheat and you’ve got nothing to worry about.

You have it backwards, if it had an offline mode they could be less harsh on cheaters... There is nothing and i mean NOTHING more obnoxious than playing against an aimbotter and/or vision hacker. It only matters in play against other players. Also for unfair bans there is an appeal process.

Uh, you cheat in an online competitive game you do it at your own risk, if you get banned well, that’s your fault. If the ban is unfair you can appeal the decision. Also why would anyone ban people if they cheat in “offline mode”?

I love the idea that these despicable people rushed home after plopping down $50-$60 on a brand new game and were instantly banned again. “I’ve spent $200 on this game, and I can’t play it! I just want to be able to cheat and feel superior to others while simultaneously ruining the game for everyone else. Is that too

You are a fantastic human being.

Because technology has not yet advanced far enough for them to take their waifu to the prom.

Make some room for me on that bandwagon. Sigh.

They’re just so. damn. happy.

I’ve been on board since almost day one and now I just can’t wait to get off this roller coaster ride.

Something to do with anime fans being virgins or basement dwellers or something? that’s the usual stereotype.

Probably because they supported Mighty No.9 on Kickstarter.

Why do anime fans cry on prom night?

In Poland, where this game was made, discussion and representations of sexual acts or human bodies are much more socially accepted than in the US.

Why is this weird? or pervy?

Sorry prude. :)