
Squad of the Galaxy?

Kotaku wasn’t any earlier to report on this then any other website. The problem is how they reported this, in a very biased anti-GG manner, as opposed to most other articles i’ve seen which were much more objective and looked at the actual issues. But no let’s just this into more anti-GG rhetoric because drink the

After combing the internet for info of what her second job could be, I am coming up with claims that she made a number of relatively risque photoshoots (wearing lingerie, taking a bath, etc) and sold them.

The fact of the matter is that everything a company does is to serve it’s bottom line. Sony didn’t adopt it’s “pro-gamer” attitude with the PS4 generation because they wanted to be nice, they did it because it seemed likely to make them a bunch of money. No amount of bleating will change anything unless you threaten

I don’t have a problem with fictionalized CP (I feel dirty saying that, cause it’s nasty af) but it should be legal, because really, no one is getting hurt. Especially no children. But IIRC (I’m too busy to read her thesis again, short though it be), there was a section in there regarding the levels of punishment for

Personally, I doubt if Jamie Walton hadn’t said anything, I think Rapp may not have been fired, unless Nintendo simply disapproved of her job performance.

Notice how us GGbros are being chill, talking to people who want to listen, and we have these antis just flipping shit on us, flinging spaghetti everywhere?

Not afraid of them, clearly, as I’m here, giving my opinion, engaging with greyed out harassers such as yourself!

She literally did a thesis on why the international community needed to stop trying to pressure japan into creating stricter anti-child pornography laws. In the thesis she states that criminalizing the possession of child pornography is tantamount to criminalizing thought and that it was somthing that the US and Japan

She represents Nintendo and she hasn’t done that very well. So she got fired. News at 11.

The prime targets are all women? Explain how KiA went after Gawker (Nick Denton), Polygon (Ben Kuchera/Arthur Gies), Kotaku (Patrick Klepek and several other writers)?

Well, bear in mind that her opinions on such things weren’t exactly popular, and she was engaging with customers in a confrontational manner, gloating about Fire Emblem’s success despite the whole “localization” thing going on, etc. Basically, she wasn’t doing fantastic work as a PR rep for Nintendo, alongside Jamie

Well, given I am in a long-term successful relationship with a woman who loves me, and whom I love, I’d say step one is done, and done long ago.

Well, I’m glad you won’t defend her on it, and there’s a reason she wants people to read her thesis on it. She wanted harsher penalties on those who actually have sex with children, but a decriminalization or even legalization of people who are in possession of child pornography.

I think it’s more likely that she was a pedo apologist.

Do you have some examples? Because it’s becoming easier and easier to find examples of aGG who are pro pedophelia.

Nintendo’s not in the business of taking stands or falling on the sword for employees. Clearly all the drama surrounding her and GG is something they don’t want a part of. Its one of the first lessons potential or current employees should know. Leave your drama at home. It sucks and Its sad but unless you’re running

Don’t really think Neo Nazi’s main objective is to get Japanese RPG’s decensored, they are in opposition to that free speech anti censorship stuff.

Nintendo.... of America... Marketing Department. Pretty unfair to call Nintendo, a Japanese company, a “fucking joke” when you’re being so ignorant on how the company is structured and operated.