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    2030 for part 1 2050 part 2...

    Oh cool glad you felt the need to brag about how good you are in those games.

    I would love stable 30fps in bloodborne

    Next you’ll call ORIGIN, EA Downloader instead. /S :3

    You mean blizzard launcher? No longer battle.net. <3

    Does this reflect digital purchase subscription like crunchy roll manga and Shonen jump digital only in US

    The audio drama for hunt the truth was amazing

    Yiff Yiff Hurray, do what makes you happy!

    I wouldn’t have done this dramatic gesture on this, but I don’t work for your company and I am not sure how often these come up. Thank you for your work on senran kagura localization....and all of xseed.

    Too bad I couldn’t do this with for honored.

    I am married and I still play these. *Shrug*

    Hurrah! Glad these types of games are coming to switch.

    Friends? #foreveralone

    I use this game, to massage my back. Hate I have to unlock them however.

    Mine died after a month. 64 GB for about the same price.

    Aannnnnnd now making a pre-order

    Movie was great, don’t get the hate.

    Doom 3 was the First doom game chronologically.

    You almost deserved a star for that comment until your last sentence. When you are employee of a company you represent the company in what you do, even your off time. People have been fired from companies for a picture on social media.