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I interpreted that Matt was on drugs and also otherwise not well in the head after seeing his little daughter with a baby, causing him to have no idea what he was doing. I doubt that he would've shot the baby, but in his state of mind he fuzzily thought he could scare the baby into being quiet by pointing a gun.

I missed the biblical names, thanks La Pipe! However, since that was so plain (well not to me, duh), it does make me wonder if the religious references were more tacked-on little jokes, rather than clues to hidden layers or themes? Religion appears to be absent on a more deeper level in the characters' lives - even

About the cliff hangers being off - I noticed there's at least 2 lengths of episodes floating about, ca. 47 Vs. ca. 57 mins. This could explain part of it - though personally I reckon that the work was made more as one long piece, instead of purposefully structuring it as a TV series.

Just finished TOTL, and I'm frustrated. There was so much greatness, but also too many little flaws and inconsistencies to prevent me from fully embracing the work The numerous questions raised don't add up to intrigue, they are just annoyingly baffling. It makes the writers seem lazy; that they underestimate me as a