
Mainstream Republicans get no flack for demanding we abolish the Departments of Education, Energy, and Oops, but “abolish that 15 year old agency that’s stealing children” is going to far. 

Wait till Trump and the GOP offer him a job; he sounds like a he’d fit right in (as a complete cunt).

Frankly, I’m thoroughly surprised that a southern Christian in a political position would use an a la carte interpretation of the bible to justify a controversial or discriminatory law. Shocked and appalled, I say.

I saw Blade in the theaters with some buddies, OPENING NIGHT, after a few drinks. We went in spoiler-free (almost pre-internet days), just saw the cool TV commercials.

Lionel Hutz has ruled himself out with his demands.

Michael Avenatti, who refuses to shut up ever

I think he understands the core of all religion very, very well: My imagination lets me do whatever I want.

I guess that’s what happens when political parties are terrified of their base. Imagine how different things could be if we had just one more of those.

My guess to the letter’s contents? Kim has offered to make this place into Trump Tower Pyongyang:

Going on some tin foil theory work here, bear with me:

Would you prefer I said she was babysitting 1500 kids?

She’s fine. She’s just visiting Shelly Miscavige.

Weird how Cadet Bone Spurs seems to be testing his pardon power on someone convicted of campaign finance violations.

lol and the George Soros is actually a Nazi tweets. And retweeting Infowars. And tweets claiming jew hater hillary clinton’s handler huma weiner is a filthy nazi whore. I love reading about anyone trying to defend her.

Ambien is the original Red Pill.

Yeah but Haberman doesn’t want to risk losing her press credentials.

Let me tell you something about Donald Trump: He can do tailspins around all of you. 

I am proposing they sell this alternative coin.